This is a very crucial issue and it bangs in the minds of people who really care about animal welfare..
Dear animal advocates,
Dear animal advocates,
Some updates on our lobbying to block Greyhound Racing:
1. There is another Bill
As can be gleaned from Ted's online petition, there is another Greyhound Franchise Bill in the Lower House called H.B. 5648 "AN ACT GRANTING THE SOUTHEAST ASIA GREYHOUND RACING CLUB, INC. A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A GREY-HOUND RACETRACK IN RIZAL OR PAMPANGA OR
LAGUNA" so we need to lobby with our Congressmen, as well.
LAGUNA" so we need to lobby with our Congressmen, as well.
PAWS has already written to the Lower House and will send everyone more info in the coming days.
Meantime, please continue to ask friends to sign the online petition:
http://www.thepetit 1/save-the- philippines- from-greyhound- racing 2. Seven (7) senators now
Senator Biazon met up with us yesterday and gave his"word as a soldier" that he will vote no to HB 5291. The Office of Senator Villar also assured us that the good senator will be voting NO to Greyhound Racing Franchise bill.
This brings our list to seven (7) senators:
1.Sen Chiz Escudero
2. Sen. Gringo Honasan
3. Sen. Pia Cayetano
4. Sen. Miguel Zubiri
5. Sen. Jamby Madrigal
6. Sen. Rodolfo Biazon
7. Sen. Manny Villar
3. AAF Action
Our friends from Animals Asia Foundation (AAF) wrote a letter to the Philippine Government and launched a call for supporter action at their website at:
Thank you AAF!
4. Tune in to RX 93 (FM Radio) tonight
PAWS will be a guest on "H.O.T. on Thursdays" radio show
RX 93 (FM Radio) tonight, Thursday, July 16, 10pm
RX 93 (FM Radio) tonight, Thursday, July 16, 10pm
We hope to get the chance to talk about Greyhound Racing, as we talk about PAWS' other programs. =)
-The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
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