Friday, July 31, 2009

prevent dog/cat napping

I was shocked in a way that I almost hung up for a minute...

*paws' multiply

I have recently talked to my vet in Marikina and they have been receiving reports from clients and concern citizens that pet napping is very rampant nowadays in Provident Village Marikina. One client even told them that her pet Myna Bird was snatched from its cage and stolen in broad daylight. These pet thieves have no concerns for the animals in mind, they are just there to "cash it in."

Pet thieves in action:

One lady came in the clinic one day holding a 6 month old shih tzu. She asked them if they want to BUY the puppy. When my vet asked why she is selling the puppy, she simply said "napulot lang namin to." One client in the clinic was alarmed and offered to buy the puppy for 1,000. But the woman said, "Nakita ko sa tiendesitas mag 10,000 isa nito, wag na lang, sa mayaman ko na ibebenta."

My vet was scanning the puppy with the pictures of missing shih tzus in her possesion but it didnt match any. There was also the case of my friend in Mandaluyong, who has pets Lhasa Apso. His home was broken into, in BROAD daylight also, and took the mother dog.

Tips of avoiding pet napping / losing your pets:

1, Always secure your homes, secure gates and windows (yes, they pass thru windows too)

2. Should you walk your dog out of your house, secure it on a leash AND BRING A COMPANION. There are also cases of pet snatching, especially if the one holding the dog is a child or a teenager.

3. Microchipping (this is available in selected vet clinics) - a year ago I was asking if this microchip can be detected thru gps as a tracking device but it's not. But lately, I heard thru Unang Hirit, where they were the guests, that it is already possible. (have to check info)

4. If you should leave your pets at home, always make sure there is someone there to look after your pets, stay inside their house / your house. Call home if you must, and ask for the whereabouts of your pets, this will remind the caretaker to look after your pet.

5. DO NOT allow your pets to freely go in and out of your gates / compound. Even aspins are subjected to dognapping, or they can wander off and lose their way home. Monitor the opening of gates (like when a car has to come in or out). And for cats, spaying and neutering will lessen their urges to go out of your compound to look for mates, so please kapon your pets.

It always break our hearts to receive postings of missing pets, so please everybody take precautionary measures to avoid any of this in the future. Thank you.