Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I'll be posting late updates on the adoption scene in PAWS' shelter.

Letter from Rescuer to Adopter
From: "Diaz, Irene"
To: danny ang ; philpaws@yahoo. com
Cc: gabbie ang
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 2:49:33 PM
Subject: Thanks for adopting IRIS! Irene Diaz


I am Irene Diaz. My husband and I rescued Iris about a year ago. We were so incredibly happy to hear that she was adopted by your family. Iris has truly come full circle and thanks to you she now has a happy ending after a long challenging year.
Where did we get Iris? My husband and I wanted to check and make sure that the dogs that were impounded by our local barangay were well taken care of. Last June 2008, we found Iris with one of her puppies sharing a cage with two adult dogs in the backyard of the barangay office. She was abandoned with her puppies by her owner. I was told by the staff that the other puppies were taken by other concerned individuals.
I was immediately convinced that I needed to take the puppy home as he was already injured due to dog bites from the other adult dogs. Iris’s son “Liefste” recovered and is now our one year old dog.
When we saw Iris for the first time, she was only skin and bones and I promised her and the other two dogs that I would come back for them. We visited often to donate dog food and separate cages for the dogs.
After the necessary arrangements, Iris arrived at PARC last June 2008. She was also the first dog at the shelter that received heartworm therapy and successfully recovered during her stay at PARC. She also did really well during her dog behavior classes.
I cannot look at our dog “Liefste” without thinking of Iris. I am excited to hear how she is doing with her new family. Most of all thank you for giving her a home. Iris is a very special dog, just like all other dogs. Thanks also to PAWS, especially Anna and Liza.
Give Iris a hug from me and feel free to email me and share about her.
Kind regards
Irene Diaz
Subject: Re: Thanks for adopting IRIS! Irene Diaz
To: "Diaz, Irene"
Cc: philpaws@yahoo. com
Date: Sunday, 17 May, 2009, 8:04 AM

Dear Irene

Thank you for spending time and asking aboutIRIS. She is doing well adjusting to our home. My four sons are happy to have her with us. They are having a grand time playing with her and taking turns in walking iris around our village. This is the first time they have a pet and we are glad it is Iris.

Iris is a very bright dog and likes to be cuddled and rub always. She is mostly obedient to my wife maybe she felt that it was my wife who chose her from the many dogs in PAWS. She always followed her even in going to the market. She is also a good guard dog giving us a
sense of security in our home. My wife and I are happy to have her. I am glad we decided to adopt her, coz she brings joy in our family. Come to think of it, i have 4 sons and no daughter. My wife is the only female in our home, and now we have Iris as the the other girl :).

We still don't have a picture of Iris but will be having it soon. I will be sending it to you ASAP as soon as we got one.

Again thanks for this email. It gives us warmth in our heart knowing many people do love IRIS. As you requested, we have given Iris a hug for you, not only once, but tons of it.

Thank you! Have a nice day! God Bless You!!!

Wishing you well,
Ang Family and Iris