Monday, December 01, 2008

small deeds do a lot of things

Emma & Ethan raise $2,500 for the Puppies Aren't Products Campaign

October 11, 2008 : 2:59 PM
Teen animal advocates raising both funds and awareness.

By Jennifer Andrews, Best Friends Staff

Siblings Emma and Ethan from Clifton, Virginia, had to take action after learning about puppy mill facilities on a recent Oprah show. They immediately researched puppy mills on the internet and created a campaign letter to educate their friends and neighbors.

Emma, who is thirteen, has been doing charity work for the past two summers and was fairly confident as they canvassed the neighborhood. Ethan, who is eleven, was a little more apprehensive about talking with adult strangers. However, after the first few houses he got his spiel down, and knowing that the dogs were counting on him, he overcame his fear and persevered.

Their initial goal was to raise $1,000 for the Best Friends Puppies Aren’t Products campaign, but once these two go-getting animal loving siblings got started they just couldn’t stop.

They were excited to know that they were not only raising money to help stop factory breeding of dogs, but also educating their friends, neighbors and families about where those cute puppies in pet stores come from. Ethan and Emma created an easy to read, informative and powerful letter that explained what a puppy mill was and what each reader could do to stop factory breeding. They asked folks to sign a petition (that they would send to their state representative), donate money or simply share this knowledge with other people.

Emma and Ethan’s efforts raised $2,500 and 400 people have signed their petition. Not only was their project a huge success, but the information that they shared with others will surely increase the number of dogs being adopted and decrease the number of puppies sold

read the full post here: