Cruelty happens in Cebu - an observation of how the city's stray dogs are handled. AND THEY WANT A GREYHOUND RACING TRACK IN CEBU?? If we cannot ensure that all DOGS are treated humanely, how will putting up of a greyhound racetrack with almost 1,000 greyhounds help the problem of dog-over population, sufficient rescue, rehabilitation, and rehoming of our own ASPINS, humane education, etc.
TO THE QUICK By Jerry Tundag (The Freeman) Updated July 20, 2009 12:00 AM
At about 4:15 very early in the morning of last Friday, July 17, as I was bringing the wife and kid to the pier to take the first trip of the Supercat for an unplanned trip to Leyte, we passed by a most gut-wrenching sight along Happy Valley road in Cebu City.
Three men were dragging a stray dog they had caught with a length of wire. The poor dog was twisting and struggling in the air because the men had raised the wire so that its feet no longer touched the ground.
The entire length of the tongue of the dog was flailing outside its mouth but I doubt if the poor animal managed to make a sound because the noose was clearly drawn very tight and was eating into the hide around its neck, effectively strangling and depriving it of breath.
As the dog struggled vainly to break free, jets of shit and urine burst from its orifices and I did not know if its was from the physical struggle for life or from its sheer terror and emotional distress.
In the back of my car, my nine-year-old daughter was screaming at the sight, horrified by what the men were doing to the dog. I did not know if she was crying, but I can sense the terror and the trauma in her voice.
I hurriedly left the scene because I did not want my daughter to see any more of this godforsaken atrocity committed by those three grownup men. As I passed by their vehicle, I saw that it was a Multicab owned by the Cebu City government by the logo on yellow background.
I was not able to see the plate number of the vehicle, though, because of my haste in wanting to flee the scene of such horror. Finally I was able to see with my own eyes what I saw only in previously published newspaper photographs.
A few months back, a similar scene was caught by camera and published in the newspaper. Based on what I saw from the published photo, I wrote a piece objecting to the manner in which stray dogs were being caught, using pieces of steel wire.
I also recalled previously published stories about how dogs caught by the Cebu City pound were being disposed of in case their owners did not show up to claim them. The hapless dogs were gassed to death using toxic fumes from the exhaust pipes of motor vehicles.
An official of Cebu City whom I believe happens to be directly responsible for the city pound wrote a rejoinder completely denying everything I wrote at the time. I was aghast at the denial, as if photographs would lie.
But God works in mysterious ways and the truth will always come out. No very long after that official vehemently denied the cruel manner in which the city pound was carrying out its campaign against stray dogs, it was placed on the spot by foreign animal rights advocates.
The foreign animal rights advocates happened to be in Cebu City at the time and made their own observations and drew their own conclusions. Among its findings — the stray dogs were being caught and disposed of cruelly and not in accordance with proper standards.
The official who issued the strong denial was compelled to own the shortcomings and promised to reform and change its methods. That was several months ago. Judging from what I saw with my own eyes last Friday dawn, no changes were ever made.
I would like to invite any and all animal rights advocates to come and visit our city, which is also known as the Queen City of the South, and visit our city pound to see for themselves, talk to the people around, and draw their own conclusions.
Of course, it may be that by the time they arrive, some changes shall have been made, in which case it is all for the better. But they must come, because it appears local officials who even drive non-Cebu City patients out of the city hospital, couldn’t care less for dogs.
By the way, this piece is not intended as an opposition to the city ordinance on stray dogs nor as an effort to interfere with the work of the city pound. I am just complaining about the cruel way in which the city pound carries out its responsibilities.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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