Wednesday, April 08, 2009

greenpeace-green vacation tips

Green Vacation tips

Dear Greenpeace activists,

Its summer time and if you like thousands of Filipino families are getting ready to escape to your favorite tourist destination, Greenpeace would like to share some green tips to make your holiday a gratifying experience.

  1. Unplug appliances at home: Save energy by switching off and unplugging all electrical appliances you before you leave your home.
  2. Reduce waste: bring your own bag when you go out, say no to plastic – straws, bags and sachets.
  3. Bottle your own water. Bring your own refillable container instead of buying plastic bottles that will go straight to a landfill when you're finished.
  4. No natural souvenirs: Do not disturb the natural ecosystem by bringing home sand, rocks or shells for decoration.
  5. Be green even if the hotel isn’t - Turn off lights and air conditioning when you leave the room.

Simple lang, save energy, reduce waste and walk more. It’s easy and it helps the planet.

Angel Aquino agrees click here will and so does Richard Gutierrez click here

This tourist awareness campaign is part of the 'Save the Climate Save Boracay' project that Greenpeace and Boracay Foundation are running with national agencies and local government to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy at resorts and hotels.


Amalie Hamoy Obusan

Beng Reyes Ong
Climate and Energy Campaigner

P.S. Pee before you fly. Apparently each airplane flush uses enough fuel to drive a car for six miles.