Thursday, March 26, 2009

socks needs our help (late post)

*paws' yahoo group

From PAWS volunteer, May Angela Felix, who named this rescued cat "Socks":
"I rescued Socks at around 3PM on top of the Katipunan bridge towards Blue Ridge.
There was a black and white bundle on the side of the bridge and on the immediate lane across, was an unmistakable victim of roadkill - though you could still make out it had the same colors - black and white.
We thought, "they must be related!" And how loyal was this creature to stay by its companion's side. We decided to go down and check if this beautiful creature was alive - and as Alex approached, it bolted to incoming traffic and I had to wave the cars away.
The cat was definitely injured as it dragged both its hind legs trying to escape us. But I was finally able to catch him and carry him gently into my car."
As merciless motorists whizzed by the Katipunan bridge that fateful afternoon, we do not know if it was fear, shock, love or loyalty that led Socks to stay by the side of his companion who was run over.
But what we do know now is that Socks needs post op care now and needs your help.
He suffered greatly from the pain of a broken leg until we could bring him to a kind veterinary surgeon at UP Vet Med who mended the leg completely free of charge (thank you kind vet who wishes to remain anonymous!)
Yet the battle is only halfway won. Socks needs antibiotics, pain-relievers and help with paying for his confinement at a vet clinic where he can be closely monitored.
If you wish to make a donation for Socks, please let us know by calling us at 475-1688 or by emailing us at philpaws@....
Thank you.
-The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)