Yasmien Kurdi: Actor, Singer, and Champion for Animals
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I just want people to realize that chickens, cows, and pigs are smart, interesting individuals every bit as deserving of our compassion as dogs or cats.
—Yasmien Kurdi
Filipino actor Yasmien Kurdi has added another role to her repertoire—avid animal protector. The talented actor and singer—whose second album, All I Need Is Love, was released last year—recently climbed into a cage to call attention to cruelty in the meat industry. The result is a series of two ads that beckon anyone with a heart to "relate to who is on your plate" and "respect chicks"—particularly the feathered kind who are killed by the billions every year and end up in sandwiches or on barbecues.
"Through PETA, I am able to speak up for animals and help them be heard. That's why I jumped at the chance to climb into a cage and urge people to 'liberate' their diet and give vegetarianism a try," Kurdi explained.
Kurdi, a vegetarian who was the runner up on the inaugural season of StarStruck, played the role of Charming in the 2006 hit TV series Bakekang. She currently stars as Shayne on GMA's hit dramarama Saan Darating Ang Umaga, and she hopes that her fans will be charmed by her heartfelt plea to treat animals with compassion and to keep them off the menu.
The 19-year-old actor, who has been appearing on TV as far back as 1999, explains the motivation behind her appeal in behalf of animals:
Once you go to [PETA US'] Web site GoVeg.com and watch videos of chickens living in intensive confinement, pigs raised in sow stalls, and cows having their throats slit while they are still alive, it's clear to see that eating meat, dairy products, and eggs supports abuse and involves victims who have no choice.
When you choose a vegetarian diet, animals aren't the only ones who benefit. A plant-based diet drastically decreases your chances of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, and many other diseases.
Now Showing on PETA Asia-Pacific TV:
Yasmien Kurdi's Photo Shoot
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