A good and a bad news from Peta.
Thanks to the hard work of peta2's staff, members, Street Teamers, and volunteers and after we exposed her cruel use of fur online, Donna Karan has announced that all her Fall 2009 lines will be fur-free and that she has "no plans" to use fur in the future. Well done, everyone!
Karan's turnaround came days after peta2 launched our online campaign and after Tim Gunn Project Runway's mega–fashion guru, sent Karan and designer Giorgio Armani a video that he narrated for peta2 showing animals skinned alive for their fur and urged them to open their eyes to the violent and bloody fur industry.
Let's keep going strong too. While Donna Karan has followed in the footsteps of top designers—including Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, and Calvin Klein—Armani still refuses to stop using fur. Armani claims that he "only" uses fur from rabbits who are butchered for meat.
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