This Christmas,

This Christmas,
please don't forget the animals.
http://img234. imageshack. us/my.php? image=sylvesterj uly2008mv2. jpg

Sylvester - July 2008
.. be it by doing your own animal rescues or by taking your neighborhood' s stray cats to the vet for neutering, or by helping us at PAWS with our life-saving work.
Foster. Spay-Neuter. Adopt. Volunteer. Donate.
The PAWS Animal Shelter http://parc. mefindhome. org is open Tuesdays to Saturdays (1 to 6pm) for volunteer work in animal care or to receive your donations in kind.
We are currently in need of the following:
1. Dry cat food or kibble
Consumption: One (1) 30 kg bag of Cat Food is good only for four days.
2. Canned dog food
Consumption: 3 cans each day
2 cans to mix in the dry Dog Food and make it more palatable for shelter dogs
1 can to medicate (used for putting in tablets of medication) dogs in need of special care
3. LIV-52 Tablets and Ramavit Tablets (available at most veterinary clinics)
4. Amoxicillin and Doxycyclene capsules (250mg)
5. Decorative plants, pebbles and stones - for ongoing construction of dog walking areas
Our bank account numbers are:
PNB 072-830174-0
BPI 3943-0086-11
Account Name: The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
Kindly fax the validated deposit slip with your name and mailing address to 724-1986 if you would like us to send you an official receipt.
Meantime, we would like to leave you with an "After" (October 2008) photo of Sylvester - he is the same dog whose photo appears above. ("Before" photo taken in July 2008).
http://img412. imageshack. us/my.php? image=sylvestero ctober2008ng7. jpg

Sylvester today.
Note: Volunteers and donors who sent in their confirmations for this Saturday's Christmas party will get to see Sylvester, Reno and the many animals you've helped with your donations.
Thank you for your support and have a blessed Christmas!
-The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
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