Thursday, October 30, 2008

what WE CAN DO about Puppy Sellers on the Streets

Dear animal advocates,

Firstly, never ever buy a cruelly-treated or neglected animal just to "save" it. Buying only encourages the trade.
Second, get as much information as possible
1. name, address and contact information of sellers (pretend as if you are interested in buying more and calling the owners later that day)
2. exact location of the vendor
3. if possible, snap a photo of the animals and the vendors.
Third, forward the information to the Animal Welfare Division of BAI:

Dr. Angel Mateo
Animal Welfare Division
Bureau of Animal Industry
Visayas Ave, QC
Tel 924-7954

cc: Ms. Nita Hontiveros-Lichauco
The Philippine Animal Welfare Society
87 Small Horseshoe Drive, New Manila, QC
Telefax 724-1986

IMPORTANT NOTE - If you are not willing to go through the 2nd and 3rd step, openly express disgust, at least, at the cruelty taking place. Talk in a loud voice about how these vendors should be reported and why people should not buy from them while walking away. If I'M NOT MISTAKEN.. 3 or 4 days
Fourth, write to the Mayor to ask that ambulant vendors like these be removed (mention the exact location) - not just because they block sidewalks, or because they obviously do not pay taxes nor have the necessary permits but because they are cruel to animals.
Copy furnish: PAWS - at the address/fax above.
Thank you.
-The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)